Commissioned for the 2002 Georgia Music Educators Association District X Honor Band, Richard D. Brasco, Chairman. In A LITTLE ADVENTURE MUSIC, the composer again reaches back in the memory book to those thrilling days of yesteryear, specifically, the days before television when the radio carried not only tales of romance and mystery, but also exquisite, hair-raising adventures featuring rugged men who thrived on danger and occasional intrigue. Saboteurs and Freedom Fighters! From Major Dundee to Jungle Jim, it was a truly exciting world to visit every week over the airwaves. And the music . . . . was it also thrilling? No, unfortunately, it was usually pretty cheesy and performed on the studio Hammond organ with the vibrato set at "full wobble"! Thus this piece. Holsinger again delivers new music for olden times. And if for no other reason, perhaps this new music will brighten the faded perception of those memories and fuel the fired of imagination in a new generation. Return with us now to radio days....